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A message from Alan Browdy, President / Chairman YATC Board of Directors

Dear Friends of YATC:

Our Founder Jim Moran was known to say, “The future belongs to those who prepare for it.” At YATC, planning for the future for our students, graduates and the program itself is always at the forefront of our minds.

Recently, YATC celebrated with Executive Director Terry Routley his 30th anniversary with our organization. Terry’s contributions have been many and meaningful to a generation of at-risk youth. He and the staff have been instrumental in changing the lives of so many for the better. For that, we can’t thank him enough.

After much consideration, Terry has informed us that he will be retiring in the next couple of years. Although Terry has not set a retirement date, the Board of Directors decided it was best to start the process of looking for his successor now. That way we hope to find the right candidate sooner rather than later so that they can start learning the ropes and work directly with Terry and the entire YATC staff to ensure a smooth transition.

We are working with an expert in the field and using LinkedIn to help us find qualified candidates. If you have someone in mind who fits the bill or other avenues for us to explore, please let us know. Please forward any ideas and resumes directly to Terry at

On behalf of the entire board, thank you for your help and support throughout the years and please join us in thanking Terry for all he has done for YATC.

