A Formula
for Success
YATC graduates have the opportunity to earn scholarships that enable them to pursue further education, including advanced automotive training, additional vocational classes or college courses.

777 Graduates and Counting
The Class of 2022 is ready to join nearly 800 YATC graduates who are continuing on their paths toward a brighter future.

Backed By Research
To evaluate the effectiveness of YATC’s program and document its success rate, two studies were conducted by Dr. William Penzer, director of William Penzer, Ph.D. & Associates, in 1994 and in 2005. Graduates were contacted either 10 or 20 years after completing the program and asked questions regarding their adjustment to life after YATC and the program’s impact on their lives. The results of the 20-year study are summarized below.
Big Picture Findings

89% of the students who graduated prior to1997 were employed full time.

88% percent of the graduates had not experienced any legal trouble since graduation.

99% of graduates indicated they would refer YATC to a friend.

Workforce Ready
In the 20-year study, 89% of the students who graduated prior to 1997 were employed full time. Of those who graduated between 1997 – 2004, 85% were employed full time or in school. The majority of the graduates, 92%, worked between 31 – 40+ hours a week and 26% were supervisors or owned their own businesses. Also notable is that 82% of the employed graduates were either very satisfied or satisfied with their jobs.

Making the Grade
In the 15th class that graduated in 1994, the average grade level attainment upon entering
was 6.6 and upon graduation 8.2. In the graduating Class 25 of 2004, the average grade level upon entry was 5.8 and upon graduation 8.6. This reflected solid academic progress during the course of the program. A third of the graduates planned to attend school in the future, 16% were presently attending school and 52% of the graduates prior to 1997 had already attended school.

YATC offers A second chance
Most of the young people referred to YATC are struggling with challenges that feel overwhelming. Many have been affected by poverty, homelessness, crime, abuse, neglect and addiction. “Four of my friends have died this year and others are in jail,” said one graduate. “If it wasn’t for my mom and YATC, I’d be with them.”

Sociallly Prepared
Eighty-eight percent of the graduates had not experienced any legal trouble since graduation and 85% had not spent time in jail. Twenty-two percent lived on his or her own, with the rest living with a spouse, family, boy- or girlfriend or a roommate. In addition, 85% visited family members on a regular basis, while another 19% visited with them on holidays. A quarter of the graduates were active in their chosen religions and 73% reported being very satisfied or satisfied with their lives.

in good health
Ninety-three percent of the graduates indicated their health to be excellent or good, with two-thirds exercising on a regular basis. Ninety-six percent had not used drugs since graduation and only about half the group drank alcohol socially. These numbers compared favorably not only to the graduates pre-YATC habits, but to recent college graduates and the population in general.

YATC’s influence
The survey respondents unanimously endorsed YATC as having a powerful influence on their lives. Eighty-nine percent of the graduates indicated that the program contributed to their lives very significantly or significantly. Ninety-six percent felt very positive or positive about the YATC staff and 92% felt that they could definitely return to YATC for help. Eighty-three percent of the sample indicated that they see other YATC graduates from time to time and 99% said they would refer YATC to a friend.
We believe that YATC has developed a highly effective program that contributes to the graduates’ healthy and successful adaptation to life. The investment of time, money and human energy is paying consistent dividends by saving lives and rebuilding young adults who are able to function appropriately and contribute to society in meaningful ways.