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A message to the Class of 2022

Congratulations to the YATC Class of 2022! Your time as students at the Youth Automotive Training Center is ending, and you are joining a special group of more than 800 individuals who have walked the same road you are on now. Like the graduates who came before, you chose to take a new path. That commitment you made to yourself and to your future, along with dedication and honest effort, has brought you to this milestone. Everyone at YATC is proud of each of you for your perseverance and desire to create a new life for yourself.

Our Founder Jim Moran established YATC because he believed in providing a helping hand to young people just like yourselves. His goal and the mission of our program is to support YOU on your journey. Each day you will face choices that require you to consider the options and make choices that will build the kind of life you want for yourself and your family. I hope that the lessons you learned through YATC will guide you for a long time.

No matter where your path takes you, the automotive repair skills, academic knowledge and life skills that you gained at YATC will help you become a valuable member of your community and a role model to other young people who want to turn their lives around. I encourage you to always believe in yourself, work hard and know that we at YATC are behind you all the way. The doors to YATC are always open and you will always be a member of our family. Stay in touch so we can celebrate your successes and provide assistance if you need it. We wish you all the best in your futures!


Terry Routley

Executive Director